This past weekend we had four generations present to help my Nana ring in 92 years on this planet.  Can you believe it?  Ninety-two freakin’ years?!  Nana’s quite frail, but she toddles IMG_0281around with the help of a walker.  And, although she suffers from flashes of dementia, she’s still got a kick-arse sense of humor. 

When I got home from my trip, I found that the lilies in my garden were in full bloom.  Then it hit me… She’s named Lily, after the flower.  I can see the scene now 93 years ago…. 

Nana’s mother lay in agony of epidural-free childbirth of 1920 rural North Carolina.  The midwife holds cold cloths to her head.  Out the bedroom window Nana’s mother can see bunches of yellow and tiger-orange lilies in bloom.  She focuses on the beauty of those flowers and when the labor is finally over, the midwife places a baby girl in her arms.  The first thing she thinks of is how beautiful that baby girl is, just like the lilies out the window. 

Yeah – that’s totally made up – but knowing what I do about my Nana, I have a feeling it’s pretty close to reality. 

These are photos of some of the lilies that welcomed me home from my trip.  Aren’t they beautiful? 

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Happy Birthday Nana!!!