I just love contests.  Who doesn’t like to win stuff?  Especially M-O-N-E-Y.  When I was a teen growing up in Fairport, NY the local radio station had the Song-of-the-Day contests.  I’d listen all day, waiting for that one song to play.  Then when it came on, I’d feverishly dial Blog Photosthe phone number trying to get through.  To this day, I can still recall the pounding of my heart when instead of that annoying busy signal, I heard the phone ring on the other end.  And I hoped I’d be the correct caller.  On Thursdays, that song was worth $1,000.  And guess what?!  One day I won!!!  My prize helped buy my first car.  A blue, two-door Nissan SentraSadly I’ve digressed into a history lesson and I’m sure you all don’t want to hear about my first car.  Back to the topic at hand. 

For all of you writing teens out there, I just heard about the Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest. You can find all the particulars at AynRandNovels.org., but here’s a quick list of the deets:

Eligibility:  12 graders and college studexatlas.jpg.pagespeed.ic.jENyMERh5-[1]nts (including Graduate students)

Deadline: September 17, 2013

And check out the prizes;

FIRST PRIZE: $10,000
5 THIRD PRIZES: $1,000
25 FINALISTS: $100

Let’s see… 50+25+5+3+1… that’s 84 winners people!!! 

There are three essay questions/topics to choose from and your submission has to be between 800 and 1600 words.  Or if you like to count by pages, that’s 2 1/2 – 5 pages double-spaced.  Easy peasy!!  Of course you have to read Atlas Shrugged first.  The book is massive.  According to AR Bookfinder, it comes in at a whopping 561,996 words, which equates to 1079 pages.  YIKES!!!  If you haven’t read it, I suppose you’d better get crackin’ if you hope to meet the deadline.

And a note on craft for all you young adult aspiring novelists out there — it’s probably not a good idea to submit a book that large to an agent or an editor.  They’ll fall out of their chair laughing and then send you a form rejection letter.

Best of luck if you enter and I want to hear if you win!!!